Upcoming Events
The state of Colorado has a legacy of more than 23,000 abandoned mines, created as part of a history as one of the world’s great minerals-producing regions and the abrupt economic and social transitions that resulted from mineral ‘boom and bust’ cycles. Today, these abandoned or inactive mines adversely impact soil and water quality through heavy metal loading and acid mine drainage. WARM’s mission is to build a future workforce in the stewardship of mines and the reclamation of inactive and abandoned mines by providing students with on-the-ground, real-world experience, and training. The field of mining and mine reclamation is ripe with career opportunities, but too few graduates are entering these fields. Through the Summer Field Course, students and professionals are exposed to a whole suite of skills needed to reclaim abandoned or inactive mine sites and responsibly conduct mining activities. These include site history and ownership, site assessment, stakeholder engagement, and development of remedial strategies within the environmental regulatory framework.
Registration info coming soon!